Friday 30 January 2015

I want to be your FRIEND!

People never cease to amaze me.

You know I'm not a Facebook kind of person. Although I do use it for various purposes, like buying/selling stuff or reminding people about meetings. This is really as far as my usage goes.

But recently I had an influx of friend requests, mostly from people I would at most describe as distant acquaintances. I never really talked much with them. And there is no reason whatsoever for them to seek contact with me. They never ever even dropped an email!

And now they want to become FRIENDS.

I find this phenomenon rather incomprehensible. When I added someone it was because we resolved to go and have drinks together and it appears that we get along quite well. Or something of a sort. But I don't go round profiles of everyone I've encountered in my life pressing this horrible send friend request button (as if you could request a friend rather than become one as a result of normal human encounter). Could someone explain why people do it? This feels like a sort of unconscious reflex: this name rings a bell, let's connect!

And what is most surprising, these are people who have their own life, I know this, they have their passions and are very well educated, so I see no reason for them to seek some sort of gratification from a growing number of friends.

Mad, mad world.

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