Wednesday 7 January 2015

Life it too short...

... to be bothered by certain things.

And thus I stopped getting irritated (or madly angry) at some things that are: 1) of no importance whatsoever; 2) completely beyond my control; 3) not worth the bother.

From a list of things I stopped being bothered by:
- that Englishmen do not hold doors open for me and in general are not so much of a gentlemen anyway, at least not compared to the Poles;
- that I haven't kept strictly to my swimming and exercising routine;
- that my phone turns on and off as it wishes and has no intention of co-operating with me;
- that I still eat meat, even though I was supposed to be a vegetarian, or at least a pescetarian, because it is more eco-friendly;
- that my revision got stuck somewhere 
- that some of my written work is not perfect, especially since I've realised perfect does not exist and done is better than perfect;
- that I haven't managed to get my belongings down to the very bare minimum (again);
- that I don't celebrate my birthday, or any such occasion for that matter, in a fun way.

Life is too short to spend it with your entire inside trembling in anger at the world and, more importantly, at yourself. Since I've become more gentle with myself, life is so much easier and more enjoyable. No more frantic days when I don't know where to begin, painful evenings when I realise I haven't done enough during the day and weekend meetings with people I don't really want to talk to.

Quote of the day:
"Life is like a cup of tea. It's all in how you make it."

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