Tuesday 6 January 2015

Important questions, more important reflections.

I have filled in a good handful of vac scheme applications, writing hundreds of words and spending hours on putting in all of my personal details. My irritation reached dangerously high levels after I pressed send for the 7th time, but I have to say that it was a great exercise in appreciating where I am now, what I have achieved so far and where I am going now.

Many questions that I had to answer for the purposes of advancing my legal career would probably never occur to me, or at least not just yet. What was my greatest achievement so far? What am I most proud of? Where do I see myself five years from now?

So far I have managed to survive 5 years away from my home country, kind of learn a new language, get through two years of one of the most demanding universities in the world, write a few interesting pieces (and not only on legal topics), and with all the stuff going on I have managed to retain quite a bit of sanity and a fairly balanced life. What more to want?

Indeed, I'm quite content with my life so far. And first vac scheme rejections coming through won't change it. I believe that, ultimately, I'll end up where I was supposed to be from the beginning. In the mean time, I can carry on my revision and keep expanding my baking skills.

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