Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year's Resolution

There will be no old year sum-up. I thought about it and decided that this is unnecessary. Last year was intense, my years seem to be more and more intense. And despite some turbulence, it was a good year, and I don't want to dissect it now. It's enough that it happened.

This time of the year people come up with multiple New Year's resolutions that are supposed to make our lives better.

They say they would lose weight, reconcile with their mother, they will quit the job they hate, save up money to go on exotic holidays, quit smoking, go to spa, stop making excuses to tidy up their house and many more.

I've been thing about what sort of a resolution I could make this year, but everything seemed too superficial. And then it clicked.

Well, maybe it's time for me to stop trying to be a perfect daughter and a good girl and start being myself?

Let this be my New Year's resolution.

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