Sunday 2 March 2014

Sunday Special: 'Where are you?'

We all know the story of Adam and Eve. They both lived happily in th Eden up until they ate a forbidden friut. First thing that happened to them was that they startd to feel ashamed of their nakedness.  They hid in the bushes so that God miht not have seen them naked.

God asked them 'Where are you?' Not because he did not know. He is the Almighty,  He knows and sees everything. But God wanted Adam and Eve to ask themselves this crucial question: 'Where are you?'

Quite literally they were in the bushes, but this represents their state of shame. They could not be truly themselves anymore, nakedness ceased be natural and became a burden.

For me this is a human experience of being separated from God because of something that holds us down, some burden that prevents us from being truly ourselves. It can be anything, our addictions, people, possessions. Anything.

Sometimes it seems that we need to lose something in order to regain our freedom. Nakedness does not need to be there our all life, but we don't necessarily need to clothe to solve this problem. Rather, this nakedness need to be sorted out within us. Wharever it might be.

For me it has always been keeping busy, doing far too much for others as compared to myself. Doing for others so much that I had little time for myself. Now I'm trying to live a more balanced life, remembering that I'm also a precious daughter of God.

So... Where are you? Are you hiding in the bushes?

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