Wednesday 5 March 2014

"Spot-a-Catholic" day

Today is Ash Wednesday that marks the beginning of Lent. There is an imposition of ashes during Mass. In Poland a little bit of it is placed in people's head which is not a very invasive practice. In the UK, on the other hand, ashes are mixed with oil and a cross is marked with it on your forehead. Here, you can really play 'spot a Catholic' now. But I really like it, it gives a chance to make a profession of your faith in a very practical way.

But this is not what I want to talk about. As Lent approaches this terrible question comes up: what are you giving up for Lent? And to my surprise, this question is both asked and answered by people who are not religious at all! This is not what I expected at all. In Poland people who don't believe just don't bother at all. In England somehow everyone seems to be preoccupied with finding some Lenten resolutions for themselves.

Good as it is to practice your will power etc., I think it takes away the very important spiritual dimension of Lent. Because ultimately, it is not about not eating chocolate. Or not getting onto Facebook. Or starting your exercise plan. Or avoiding caffeine. Or even spending more time with your family. This is all good, surely. This all leads to a more balance and hence more fruitful life.

But the point of Lent is to reflect on our spiritual life in order to prepare for Easter and an 8-day-long celebration of the Resurrection (yes, it's not only Easter Sunday and Monday, Easters carries on until the Sunday after!). I'm quite uneasy about just giving up something. It all seems too straightforward, like ticking a box and then the job is done. I always rather have a positive spiritual resolution- pray more, read Bible, spend some time in contemplation. Assuming that Christianity is about personal relationship with Jesus, maybe it's worth doing something that will develop this relationship (or maybe even start it if it's not there yet). At the end of the day, I don't think Jesus particularly minds whether we eat all this chocolate or not. But I'm sure He minds whether we have true Life in us.

Lent if for LIFE, not just for chocolate.

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