Monday 22 December 2014

Christmas Sanity.

Christmas tend to be rather hectic with lots of running around, multiple shopping trips, floors covered with tape and wrapping paper, last minute cleaning and baking frenzy.

This year, again, I'm trying to retain some more sanity than before. Since Christmas Eve is on Wednesday and not on Tuesday as I've thought I have one extra day to sort everything out, which is a relief. Even buying presents is surprisingly easy this year, despite my mid-December panic.

Usually Christmas is very stressful and quite frankly I tend to be glad that Christmas is over. This year I just would like to have Christmas that are enjoyable, when I make most of this time, despite the fact that I'm not particularly keen on family gatherings. I refuse to be whipped into this frenzy. At the end of the day it's not a clean house or a stack of presents under the Christmas tree or the tree itself that makes Christmas special.

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