Sunday 6 April 2014

Sunday Special: Be grateful

There is so much that I can complain about for more or less legitimate reasons. Plus it seems to be a thing these days to keep complaining.

But everything that I get is a gift. I know it. When I read about people who have lost everything, who are terminally ill, have broken families, have missed their moment in life and I feel that I have been so blessed.

Every evening I pause and thank God for three particular things that I have experienced. It's a good exercise, because even if I have an awful day I try to see what God has given me. Sometimes it's a lovely conversation, sometimes a view or a book that I've read. It might be anything that brings me joy. There's always light, always something to be grateful for. Although there are days when I just think that there's nothing good that I could cling to. Nothing at all. But then, should I not be grateful for my life? Life is the greatest thing I have.

Thanksgiving prayers is often neglected. But it shouldn't be. Be grateful, because then life tastes better. We start to appreciate what we get, also little things.

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