Sunday 20 April 2014

Sunday Special: All about Him

Christ is Risen! - Truly He is risen!

This Easter is special for me. The Lord has truly risen in my heart. You often say that this is what should happen during Easter, but, in all honesty, how often does it actually happen? We participate in three-day-long liturgy, sing the joyful Alleluia! and often this is it. The next day our life is the same.

This year I truly think the future shines with the light of the living God. He is near.

What has struct me during the pa st 4 days is that Lent and Easter is not really about fasting, silence, my sin, sins of other people, you, me or anything else. It's all about Jesus. He is at the centre of everything. Put Jesus first and everything else will fall into place. What should you fear if Jesus has conquered the grave?

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful. We are the Easter people, we have nothing to fear. Blessings to you. :)
