Tuesday 19 February 2019

Decluttering my fantasy self.

We all have our fantasy self: that person who we aspire to be, but never actually become. It usually shows through a collection of objects bought with an intention that you start exercising, cooking more interesting dishes, revisit that hobby you abandoned in college. Items that we would like to use, an in ideal world probably would actually use, but the realities of life prevent us from doing so.

Realism is absolutely crucial when you want to declutter your fantasy self. I have so many ideas about the person I want to be and the activities I want to do, but, in all honesty, I scarcely have time or money to pursue them.

Take horse riding for instance. I absolutely loved horse riding when I was at school. And I also rode a few time over the course of doing my degree. I had a complete gear, chaps, hard hat, boots, jodhpurs, gloves, but for years now it has sat in the cupboard. Finally, when I moved to the new flat, I decided that enough is enough.

All my horse riding gear has been sold on ebay. Part of me was reluctant, because I kept thinking 'what if I end up wanting to ride again?' But I haven't ridden for years and if in a few years time I want to ride, I can just wear my standard boots and rent the hard hat at the stables. But it will probably take some years, because spending £50 or more on an hour long session really is not in my weekly budget at the moment.

Second thing that was declutter was my slr digital camera. I've never came round to actually using it properly and out of those tens of modes available and different settings I only ever used auto and macro. Yes, once upon a time I did enjoy taking pictures, but I completely lack commitment to learning the art of photography. Also, such cameras are so bulky, you always seem to need a collection of other items at hand, different lenses, filters, tripods etc. It's so much easier to take a picture with my phone. And I don't even do it that often anymore. The vast majority of my pictures end up somewhere on my laptop drive never to be looked at again, so now, instead of compulsively taking pictures, I just enjoy the moment and look at things with my own two eyes.

So often I am caught up with thinking about the person who I could be in some parallel universe, that I spend very little time working on the person who I actually am. I might not take part in riding competitions or become a professional photographer, but I can dedicate my attention and resources to writing, reading and baking. Life is too short to try to enjoy things that don't really spark any joy within you.

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