Tuesday 5 February 2019

Living on my own.

Some people wonder why I choose living on my own. I was often met with bewilderment similar to when I told people that I abandoned any ideas of a legal career in order to become a teacher.

I must say this attitude rather surprised me, since there are plenty of perks of living on my own. I can arrange the furniture however I want. And I can rearrange my interior however many times I want. No need for debates with housemates, flipping coins and arguing about the colour of the sofa or how soft it should be. On that note, no housemates. This is a major advantage. Other people are annoying. They have annoying habits. They leave dirty dishes on the table, forget to take laundry out of the washing machine, do not stick to the cleaning schedule. I'm guilty of all of those, but it's ok when I'm on my own. When it comes to other people, I simply cannot tolerate certain things. I can bear Mr Magic being around a lot, because I'm planning to spend my life with him and it would be helpful to accept his few oddities (especially since I have so many), but people who most likely are in my life simply by chance? No, thank you.

But what I like the most about living on my own is the total peace that I get in the mornings and when I get back from work. I can take my time without worrying that I'm in anybody's way. I can relax with a book and a cup of tea away from people after a busy day surrounded by noise. I can replenish my energy in way that would not be possible if I had people coming and going all the time.

Of course, there are some downsides. I do feel lonely sometimes. It would be nice to be able to dump all my thoughts about the day onto somebody when I get home. Or just have an opportunity to hang around with another human in the room. From a more practical point of view, living on my own is expensive, all the charges need to be paid by me rather than splitting it with another person. Not to forget that there isn't anyone to share my baked goodies with, which sometimes proves problematic (there is only so much cake that one can eat. And I eat a lot of cake).

All things considered, though, I do enjoy living on my own. It has taught me to be independent and self-sufficient and gives me a lot of time to do my own thing. I am looking forward to living with my husband in the future, but for now I am embracing my current situation and honestly if I were to choose again, I would choose to have a single-person household. It suits my personality and gives me space to recharge.

Also, have a sneak peek into my apartment. It's nowhere near to be revealed to the world, but my living space looks decent already.

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