Sunday 19 August 2018

Sunday Special: Jesus, I trust in You.

I went to adoration the other day and what really caught my eye was the Divine Mercy painting hung in a side chapel to the right of the altar. A painting just like this one, with an inscription at the feet of Jesus:


Jesus, I trust in You.

I've repeated these words in that hour of prayer over and over again. Do I trust? Do I trust fully that Jesus will hold my hand and walk me through the time of darkness? Do I trust His word that He came not to condemn but to save? Do I trust that He is the giver of life and that only by following the gentle whispers of His divine wisdom I can be truly happy and fulfilled?

I fervently prayed Jesus, I trust in You and with each repetition of these few words my soul got still. As if a storm have passed and a great silence ensued.

As it turned out, I completely misinterpreted the meaning of these words for my life at that moment in time. I thought trusting Him meant throwing life as I knew it behind me. In fact, it meant trusting despite the appearance of lack of movement and change. However, Jesus yet again surprising me with His generosity and mysterious ways of working through all the difficult and tangled situations. But what was important was that I took an enormous leap of faith, submitting totally to His will. Trusting Him completely to lift me up from the valley of death.

God acts without the constraints of time or space, so trust and patience is essential. He takes his times when working in my life. And the only way to respond to this is to trust. Always and entirely, sometimes against human advice, sometimes against all logic. Trust.
Then you will know that I am the Lord;

those who wait for me shall not be put to shame. (Isaiah 49:23)

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