Saturday 5 November 2016

Things I still haven't worked out.

How to peel a butternut squash injury-free? --- I love squash, but every time I'm trying to peel it, the effect is my sustaining some hand injuries. There was not a single time when I managed to cut the squash and peel it without cutting myself. It is just a hopeless case. 

Why is a 60-minutes washing machine programme in fact 90-minutes long? ---Like, honestly, it's never 60 minutes. Ever.

Why do people go to the gym to use a treadmill if they could go to a park and jog there? --- You can probably tell that I'm not a gym enthusiast. I don't even get why Mr Magic is so keen to spend an hour a day spinning. I do enjoy a swim every so often, 

Is eating organic food any better for you and the environment? --- I've always assumed that it was, but apparently there are many downsides, like inefficient use of land. It's utterly confusing.


Why do so many people have this burning need to be in a group whatever they do? --- I have a  chance to observe it on a daily basis, especially among young adults and I simply don't get it. I mean, I do get that we want to have a sense of belonging, but I really can't understand why it is necessary to do absolutely everything with someone else by your side. I'm comfortable eating lunch on my own, going shopping on my own, having a walk on my own, and all sorts of other stuff. I don't need someone tagging along all the time.

Why do I have such a sweet tooth? --- I cannot say no to chocolate. Or biscuits. This is why I had to put the box of amaretti on the top of my wardrobe. But some people don't really like sweet things. What's wrong with them? I just do no get it at all... Equally, I don't get why I love sweet things so much. I could almost live on chocolate.

Why people think that 'I didn't have time' is a legitimate excuse? --- We all know these people. They will not reply to messages or emails for weeks. Or will not do what they promised to do before the deadline. Because they didn't have time. Sure. But you do have time to spend an our scrolling through facebook. Or to binge watch a tv series. So no excuses. But you still make them! Why? why? why?

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