Monday 21 November 2016

A fleeting visit.

I went up to Oxford for a couple of days last weekend and I must admit it was a slightly strange experience.

The thing is, Oxford doesn't change.* And although many of my friends have left, there are still a couple who stuck around. But I'm coming to realise how much I've moved on since I've graduated: student life is long gone and Oxford bubble have finally burst, letting some air in.

It was nonetheless really nice to be back. At least because I got a chance to get some shopping done and eat an amazing pie in the Covered Market. And to tell my friends how happy I am now. Without sitting in the library all day. With young people around me all the time.

And I've realised that I don't actually miss Oxford. I do miss people a lot, but not the place itself. I'm really content with my life as it is now. I might not have a Lebanese deli round a corner or a plethora of little patisseries, but I have the sea five minutes away from the house.

That is enough to keep me content for the next couple of years.

* This is not entirely true, since St Anne's College finally has a modern library and it looks surprisingly good. At least the scaffolding is gone which is great.

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