Monday 7 December 2015

Jingle bells.

My Christmas wish this year is that somebody else do the Christmas shopping for me.

Honestly, having spent over 4 hours of my life browsing through shops, I despair. The shelves are overflowing with stock, and yet I could not find a single gift to give to my family and friends. This is just ridiculous at this point.I might actually just spend one hour searching for stuff online and get it in this way, will probably be more time-efficient.

The thing it, I can't just get anything. I want to get something personal for everyone. Gifts should be meaningful, shouldn't they? Buying socks or chocolates will not do.*

So I'm still stuck with Christmas presents, trying to figure out what to get for everyone. I would love to make some gifts myself, but there simply isn't enough hours in the day for me to do it. Hopefully next year will be less hectic and I'll be able to carry on my tradition of making cards and so on. In the mean time, online gift shops it is. Woohoo!

* Although I do love both socks and chocolates.

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