Thursday 31 December 2015

2016, here I come!

There's been a few new years in the span of last few months. A new academic year, which meant coming back to Oxford and embarking on a journey through my final year; a new liturgical year with the Year of Mercy. And now it's the new calendar year, 2016.

I made a list of 12 books I want to read this coming year. I'm not sure if I can realistically get through all of them, but I started the first one, Anna Karenina, already because, gosh, this is a thick book. Though really good, everyone should read it. Frankly, this is my third attempt at it, because each time I start reading it, something drags me away from the book. But this time I'm determined. Besides Tolstoy, I also have Zusak, Carroll, Christie and Bennett on my list. Good and demanding literature.

Instead of making vague resolutions, I want to make a plan. With my swimming and Zumba incorporated, so that I don't have to make ad hoc decisions as to when to go to the leisure centre. And I have three things to guide me in 2016 (and thereafter):




I want to take cake of myself, so that everything else will have space to fall into place. Take care of my body, mind and spirit. No binge eating of pecan cookies, binge watching Parks and Recreation, ignoring my exercise schedule. But at the same time I want to be kind to myself. There's no point beating myself up because I'm not perfect.

Celebrating others is hugely important to me. Making time to actually see people, feed them and talk is a challenge for me, but I know that if you really care, you always find time. I would love to have many meaningful conversations.

And, most importantly, I want to be content. Content with what I have. This doesn't mean settling for what I got and leaving it like that, but rather living in the present. I sometimes feel that everything is about tomorrow, it's the busiest day of the week! But I can be happy and content now. And this is what I want.

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