Sunday 4 October 2015

Back in the bubble.

I've been back in Oxford for a couple of weeks now. My new house is absolutely amazing, I love everything about it, even an awkwardly placed shower and rattling radiators. Luckily I got the master bedroom, so I have a lot of space (to spread my papers all over the floor). Posters have all gone up on the walls already, shelves and cupboards have filled in and the only thing that is missing is some fresh flowers.

Work has been rather daunting recently I have to admit, but I take it step by step. Can you imagine that mortgages is something that I find really easy to revise? Juris has been an absolute nightmare, I guess examiners will need to put up with me waffling about nothing in particular in response to their philosophical questions. Somehow I hope that PIL classes will help with this, to get some more conceptual meat to work with.

Good news: I've got a Teach first offer to teach Maths from Sept 2016. This is so exciting... It has been my dream for a while and I'm really really happy. Now there is a stack of formal requirements to get through, it's rather boring and time consuming (and also expensive in some instances), but it needs to be done. I have literacy and numeracy test coming up this week. Literacy is not too bad, I usually do quite well in spelling and grammar parts of practice tests (alleluia for all the boring English classes back in Poland, these definitely pay off now), my punctuation has improved but reading comprehension is lagging behind, I'm probably just overthinking the questions. With numeracy I had to re-train my brain to do mental arithmetic (~20seconds per question which is read out to you). It is quite difficult, because I haven't done maths for so long, and also because I'm admittedly a bit slow in mental calculations. But I'm getting there, improved from 55% to over 80 in a week (still dutifully revising my times tables though).

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