Saturday 16 May 2015

Leader? No thank you.

Anne Applebaum commented on this article in her tweet:

It appears that the pressure of the press is making it unbearable for many to be in the spotlight and lead political parties (and other influential organisations for that matter). Some comments below the article suggested, that if you don't have anything to hide, you wouldn't mind. But the thing is, even if you're crystal clear, you don't want to have photographers camping outside your house, your work and your granny's retirement home, waiting to snap a picture. And you just want to do your job. It's difficult to do your job when you're followed all the time, even after hours. Normal life becomes impossible and it influences every aspect of your existence.

But I think that being tracked down by the press is just one aspect of why talented people avoid leadership roles. In many aspects of life, you're simply better off putting your enthusiasm into practice, rather than being whipped into the bureaucracy of leadership. As a leader you might be visible, but your influence might be limited. Working directly with people who need your help is more rewarding for one thing, and also often more effective. Maybe it doesn't pay much money, but I think we become increasingly aware that being trapped in a rat race doesn't bring happiness and there are greater things to be achieved beyond a large number on your payslip.

Would I like to be a leader one day? I used to think I would, but more and more I feel like I just want to do something worthwhile. Without the pressure, without being in a spotlight, without guarding my every move. People say they want to have an exciting life and make a difference, but often making a difference means doing small good things. We do need leaders. But we also need morepeople dedicating their time to really changing the world.

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