Saturday 28 February 2015

Busy, busy, busy.

Life's been busy recently.

I had a couple of interviews for vac schemes, but didn't get any further than that, so I'm still hoping that the remaining handful of law firm will see some potential in me. I want to get some legal experience, if only to see whether I would enjoy this sort of work. After last summer I know that sitting at a desk all day, with little human contact is not ideal for me, so I would like to see whether working as a solicitor is more fun. 

I had a trip to London for Teach First Insight Programme (my post on Teach First can be found here) which was a tiring experience (staying at a hostel in Camden coupled with an over 8 hour long bus journey back has resulted in a terrible headache the next day). The AC itself was, however, highly enjoyable and I loved the people I met there. I didn't hear back about my place yet, so keep fingers crossed for me!

Also, I have a new haircut! I haven't had such short hair since I was about five or six, so I wasn't sure what it'll be like, but I'm quite happy with the result. I'm yet to discover the best way to fix them on my head, and I had to redefine my hair routine (a hairdryer is a necessity now: no more going to bed with wet hair unfortunately), but it was great to spend over an hour being treated with utmost care and it's good to change something.
A bit blurry, but you can see the hair!
No classes next week (!!!) for a reason that remains a mystery to me, so hopefully I can catch up on some little bits and bobs that have accumulated during February, such as internship applications, baking experiments, art activities and hopefully a theatre involvement (I auditioned for one role this afternoon and will audition for a couple more tomorrow).

Back to reading my lines then!

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