Sunday 14 October 2018

Sunday Special: Do I trust?

I'v had some really difficult time at work recently. Working in a challenging context is both physically and emotionally exhausting and I wasn't quite prepared for it.

Now that I've managed to rest a little and think about the past weeks, I've realised how little I trusted that God will deliver me from all the troubles. That He will be the source of strength and inspiration, and that He will not abandon me.
the Lord God is my strength and my song,
and he has become my salvation.
Isaiah 12:2
I'm a fatalist and I see the world in very black and white terms. It's either absolutely fabulous or it's  total disaster. Nothing in between. It's really exhausting to deal with problems when your brain is wired in this way. Yet faith calls me to turn away from despair and turn towards the One who holds the entire world in His hands.

When my strength is failing
When my patience is running out
When my mind wants to run away
When I don't see the way out
When I'm panicking
When I'd rather be anywhere else
When everything seems 

faith calls me to trust, completely and without reservations.

I seem to be writing about trust a lot and this is probably because I have such a huge issue with trust. It is a product of my upbringing, life experiences, my choices and life circumstances, but it is there and I need to learnt to deal with it. 

God said that He would never abandon me, that He would never fail. He's a good, good father.

I need to develop a habit of looking up to heaven when I feel like I'm sinking. To offer everything up and don't try to single-handedly change the whole world. I can't. He can.

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