Tuesday 16 October 2018

Make time.

I've been working ridiculously long hours last week (again!) and it felt that I was never quite up to date with anything. Dishes have been piling up in the sink, laundry basket was overflowing, the kitchen floor was covered with crumbs and the freezer got completely wiped out of emergency food supplies.

I didn't have time to read, to exercise, to pray, to think. I would do with an extra hour or two in a day.

But that obviously is not going to happen, so I've been thinking really hard how to make time for the things that matter.

My time is taken up by a lot of work responsibilities, family affairs, household duties, hobbies, social  commitments and faith related activities. All of these might be good in themselves, but it is not possible to do everything. It is not possible to attend to all the aspects of my life with the same care and devotion. So I am at the stage where I really want to pare down to the activities that are truly important to me. Things that will help me to flourish and become a better person.

Now that I decluttered my physical possessions, the time has come to declutter my diary. I made a list of activities I want to take time to do, how long they take and how often I want to make time for them. The list is not extensive. A few daily activities, a few weekly ones. It turned out there is not a great number of things I want to spend my time on. And yet I never seem to have enough time, because I don't prioritise these things over all other demands on my time.

I need to be more intentional about how I spend my time. Less procrastinating and watching youtube videos. More reading good book, praying and talking to my family. Less marking until late, more exercising.

At the end of the day, life is so short. I want to spend it doing worthwhile things. I need to make time for what brings me joy and fulfillment.

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