Wednesday 13 July 2016

I did it!

Today at 13:03 I've received a long awaited email with my examination results.

I'm super proud of myself, especially that I struggled so much during the revision period. But I did it! By hard work and thanks to an overflow of support from Mr Magic and all my friends. I wouldn't have done it without them. They've encouraged me, believed in me all the way through, even when I saw no hope for tomorrow, when I sobbed miserably in the library and refused to get out of bed. They were there for me all this time, even when I was super annoying and didn't want them around. I'm so blessed having such wonderful people around me.

A lesson from this? Never give up. It might sound like a cliche, but it's true. You might need people to carry you through (or push you through) certain parts of the journey, as it happened with me, but you can do more than you think. I'm probably nowhere near my limits yet. It is scary to explore them, yes. It might seem like you can never progress. But you can! With a little faith.

Another lesson from my exam struggle is that you need to be brave enough to ask for help. Ask around, ask as many people as you think is necessary until you get the support you need. Sadly people cannot read your mind and from personal experience I can say that hiding the emotional turmoil going on inside of you is relatively easy, so you need to reach out to people who care about you. Otherwise you will be left all alone. And it's really not the happiest place to be.

And so the university chapter of my life is nearly complete. Only graduation left now, that's at the end of the month, and it will be it. Can't believe how quickly the time flown by. It's absolutely incredible. But I'm ready to move on to another challenge.

I think I deserve a star sticker now.

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