Sunday 13 March 2016

Keep going.

My word, it's 80 days until exams and I cannot see the end of revision. I thought I would be a moan about the amount of work I need to do, but this wouldn't be particularly productive, so instead, with a more positive attitude, here are things that I am actually looking forward to.

PMJ concert: This is the highlight of the term for me. I love Scott Bradlee and his music, and having seen PMJ concert in Amsterdam last year, I just want to see them again and again. Funnily enough sometimes I know PMJ versions better than the originals. Modern culture awareness level 0.

Going home: another two weeks and I'll go home and rest. The plan is not to take any work with me (or just a minimum of it, ARSIWA Commentary will not read itself) and just be with my family, bake ridiculous amounts of cake and rest. Rest, rest, rest.

Someone special visiting: hopefully this will work out (all in His hands, there's a contingent of people praying for it now, so I'm (we're?) in good hands).

Easter Triduum: and the party afterwards. It's just such a joyful time after the Saturday liturgy. People think it's crazy to literally spend three days in church, but you need to experience it yourself to understand. It's just beautiful.

All the Teach First events next month: I have a meeting in London at the beginning of April and then another one in Portsmouth later in that month. Exciting opportunities to meet people who are as passionate about education as I am and also what to make a change in this world.

There's actually quite a few things to keep me going for the next couple of months. Life's good now. And there is cake in the house. What else would you want on a Sunday afternoon?

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