Tuesday 2 February 2016


This is so true:

I'd like to consider myself unattached to material things, but, gosh, I've decided to sort out my wardrobe and really just leave clothes that I wear and it's been a struggle. I used to be able to fit all my possessions into two suitcases, but it's not the case now, especially that I've acquired things like an iron, pans and pots, candle holders, all sorts of stationery equipment, posters and so on... But! One of the perks of being ill is that I get to do things for which I normally don't have much time and I've got rid of some clothes, finally making it to the wonderful Oxford Animal Sanctuary charity shop. Now my wardrobe looks much better. Rather airy, really.

Not getting attached to things is a big challenge. I've learnt to let go of little things from the past that were supposed to remind me of something or somebody. Many of these ended up in the bin; instead, I've printed out some pictures and stuck them of the wall. The only thing that I let myself have in plenitude is books. One can never have too many books. Still, even if I never use something, somehow I like just having it. It's interesting, because I don't get attached to places so much. Maybe that's actually the reason why I like my things, I can simply take them with me when moving around so much.

But I want less stuff. Apparently this makes you happy. Definitely it means that there's nothing weighing you down. I like that.

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