Monday 8 February 2016

Food for the Journey.

"Someone may object that God has promised beatitude under such and such conditions. The condi­tions may be reduced to a single one, which was pro­claimed by the angels at Bethlehem: “Peace on earth to men of good will.” They did not say “to men of char­acter,” nor “to men of genius,” nor “to men of good deeds,” nor “to men of great virtue,” but “to men of good will.”  
When St. Thomas Aquinas’s sister asked him how to obtain salvation, he answered her with one phrase: “Will it.” Nothing more is necessary. The promises of God demand from us only this one condition: Will it!"

From Archbishop Martinez’s When God is SilentLuis M. Martinez (1881-1956) was Archbishop of Mexico City and a philosopher, a theologian, a poet, and a director of souls. He is author of True Devotion to the Holy Spirit, When Jesus Sleeps, and other works. 

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