Saturday 13 February 2016

How I've ditched saying 'I want to get married'

and embraced being single.

Having A in my life is wonderful, she's such a good friend, but there is one problem with us together. Both of us really want to get married, so many of our conversations turn into litanies of complaints about the lack of the significant other, or about the lack of men of appropriate qualities around us.

And, you know, it's good that we are clear about what we want in life. But sometimes I feel as if my life here and now was a waiting room before something better and more fulfilling. This is rather sad, to be honest, so I've resolved not to say 'I want to get married' again. I just want to embrace being single and enjoy the moment.

My Babcia always say that you're single once and you should make most of it, because once you've got a husband and later children, there's just not enough time in the day to do the same things as you could as a single lady. It's hard to disagree with it, especially when I look at my Mum. She has no time at hand at all, even now that we're all grown up.

I'm not sure what I've been longing for so much. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I want to be by myself. I want to explore the world, learn new things, travel, read book after book, bake, go for long walk on the beach and dance. Will I have time for this when I'm in the committed relationship? Probably not for all of these, probably not for that many. But I can't imagine my life being so terribly constrained.

Many people say that single life is not a vocation, but I don't agree. It can't be either-or: either religious life or marriage. And I'm beginning to think it might be an option for me. I'm my best self on my own. I do most good things when I'm on my own. I can serve better when my head is free from butterflies. A lot of things to think about during this Lent...

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