Saturday 20 June 2015

I love teaching!

It's been quiet down here for a while, but Teach First Insight Programme took my whole time. It involved some rather early mornings (including wake up call at 5:50 am to make sure I manage to get to school before 8:30 am) and some very exciting stuff.

First week was largely talks and workshops, but I've picked up so many teaching tricks and ways of looking at education. Second week was more interesting in a way, because I spent four days in a school equipped with a staff pass and a lot of passion. I actually loved being back in school again as a teacher. There's something great about being called 'miss' and walking down the school yard with this sense of importance of some sort (although, as I've learnt the hard way, you need to remember to check your skirt before leaving the loo: in case it gets caught up in your tights and you march quarter of a school yard with your bump exposed. Not very professional at all.) And I just enjoy it so much to be with students and explain things to them. Although I've seen a few grim sights, including a girl saying that she doesn't care about doing work and being terribly rude to the teacher and just general apathy evident in many of the kids there. It's really sad, because most of the teachers do care and do make an effort to facilitate their learning. But overall it was an inspiring experience: I've met a boy who would like to go to Oxford, another one who aspires to be a police officer and it seems that it is for such pupils that it is worth to make an extra effort as a teacher. You will encounter a lot of apathy, but there will be a few who need a little push and will make their dreams come true.

My journey into teaching
Personalised timetable
Preparation for my lesson on probabilities
I think that at this point I'm pretty sure I want to apply for Teach First, actually I'll hopefully get round to it sooner rather than later. It would be fantastic to become a teacher. Maybe I found my vocation? At least a temporary one?

Saturday 6 June 2015


Finally I managed to get to the seaside. I cycled through the dunes, then sat by the sea, went for a barefoot walk along the water and just enjoyed my time. Good way to celebrate the end of my year abroad. It was hot and sunny, and it was one of very few days when I didn't need to worry about anything.

Shame I don't have enough days now to enjoy such moments more. But exciting things are coming up. Teach First insight programme starts next week, and then there's the summer camp. Something to keep myself busy at last. I'm slightly anxious about all these things, because they're so new, but I'm positive. Getting out of my box is scary, but I will learn a lot I feel. And I'll have fun. I need it now more than ever.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Year abroad roundup.

That's it then. My year abroad is over and I'll soon pack up my suitcase and go on some summer adventures.

It's been an interesting year. I've accumulated some knowledge which hopefully will be useful next year. I've overcome my fears, even though flying is still not my favourite, I can probably handle it now.I've become a theatre director, explored Zumba and found peace in a colouring book for adults. I had plenty of time catch my breath after two year of Oxford marathons, plenty of time to bake, read and drink cup after cup of tea. I've learnt a lot about myself: about who I am, what's important for me and what I would like to do in life.

I became closer to my sister. I had six months of the best relationship in my life. If this wasn't love, then I don't know what is. Now I know how to recognise substitutes for which I'll never settle. Even though there's a lot of pain and tears I need to get through now, I hope I'll manage to gather the pieces together at some point and be happy.

Do I regret going away for a year? Not at all. Quite frankly, I had the best time of my life here. I missed Oxford, all the friends there and the rhythm of life I was used to, but in Leiden I've experienced some of my happiest moments.

But I'm actually glad to be leaving. Captain America made Leiden special for me, but now is the time to move on, I don't belong here. For the next month or so I'll be in and out of the Netherlands and after that I'll need to deal with my stacks of books and notes (- take to Ox - sell on - throw away -), pack up all the accumulated postcards, posters, pictures and other memorabilia, sort out transport and I'll be on my way home. At last.