Thursday 4 June 2015

Year abroad roundup.

That's it then. My year abroad is over and I'll soon pack up my suitcase and go on some summer adventures.

It's been an interesting year. I've accumulated some knowledge which hopefully will be useful next year. I've overcome my fears, even though flying is still not my favourite, I can probably handle it now.I've become a theatre director, explored Zumba and found peace in a colouring book for adults. I had plenty of time catch my breath after two year of Oxford marathons, plenty of time to bake, read and drink cup after cup of tea. I've learnt a lot about myself: about who I am, what's important for me and what I would like to do in life.

I became closer to my sister. I had six months of the best relationship in my life. If this wasn't love, then I don't know what is. Now I know how to recognise substitutes for which I'll never settle. Even though there's a lot of pain and tears I need to get through now, I hope I'll manage to gather the pieces together at some point and be happy.

Do I regret going away for a year? Not at all. Quite frankly, I had the best time of my life here. I missed Oxford, all the friends there and the rhythm of life I was used to, but in Leiden I've experienced some of my happiest moments.

But I'm actually glad to be leaving. Captain America made Leiden special for me, but now is the time to move on, I don't belong here. For the next month or so I'll be in and out of the Netherlands and after that I'll need to deal with my stacks of books and notes (- take to Ox - sell on - throw away -), pack up all the accumulated postcards, posters, pictures and other memorabilia, sort out transport and I'll be on my way home. At last.

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