Wednesday 3 December 2014

A little bit of anthropology.

It's interesting how the way people use language shows their attitudes to others. I came across a phrase 'going Dutch' (on this see below) before I came to Netherlands and since then read a bit around the topics, making some interesting findings.

In Paxman's book to which I referred in one of the earlier posts, he talks about the animosity between the English and the French reflected in the phrases used by the two nations. So for instance the English would use a term 'French kiss' to describe, objectively, bizarre (though undoubtedly pleasurable) practice of sticking one' tongue to another person's mouth. Or 'French disease' to refer to syphilis. Obscene drawings were called 'French postcards', whereas prostitutes were referred to as 'French Consular Guard'. Not to forget excusing swearing by  saying 'pardon my French'.  The French, however, didn't fail to counter this with expressions such as le vice anglais (flagellation), avoir les anglais (menstruation), filer à l'anglaise (equivalent for 'taking French leave') and damné comme un Anglais.

With regard to the Dutch, the English also devised a few phrases, dating from the time when the Dutch became England's main trading rivals. There's 'Dutch courage' that I've just learnt, meaning getting courage from intoxication with alcohol. And of course 'double Dutch' as a hard to understand language, gibberish in short. There is also another one, 'going Dutch' (with variations such like 'Dutch date' and 'Dutch treat'), a practice of paying for yourself in a restaurant for instance, which probably reveals the perception of the Dutch as rather stingy people.

Language is such an interesting topic that I sometimes wish I had studied linguistics to have time to dig into it more. I remember the when I took Latin classes in high school I as really excited to find out the origin of some Polish words. And now I could learn about the sociological background of it. It's fantastic to do something else than law every now and then. For the sake of retaining sanity.

I love how I actually have time now to write posts like this, which do require some research etc.

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