Friday 7 February 2014

Choices, choices

I'm currently trying to sort out my courses for next year. There is 30 odd options, out of which I have to pick 10-12 (depending on the number of credits awarded). Students who've just returned from Netherlands were kind enough to provide us with some info about the courses.

For instances, cyberspace and cyberlaw course, the course that I was most excited about, was described as making 'little or no sense.' Well, sad. But there's another interesting opportunity- aerospace law. This is not something that we do at Oxford. From under a pile of trusts, contracts and land law cases emerged a vision of something completely different. It looks like it will be fun. At least the second semester.

I must confess that I'm actually terrified by the prospect of spending a year at another uni. I know it will be great. I will meet fantastic people, learn about random stuff and probably finally become quite advanced in Dutch. But... It won't be Oxford! No gowns, fancy dinners, people in top hats running around, no peculiar lecture arrangements and all of the things I've got used to by now. We say that we live in an 'Oxford bubble' and how true that is! Outside world is somewhere beyond all of this.

Coming back from this rather extensive digression, I need to make some choices about those subjects. At Oxford it's pretty straightforward. I can choose only 2 options, and as most of the modules available involve human rights or horrendous amount of reading, so I can reject them outright.  Left with Labour and Tax, I don't really have any opportunity to be fussy. But in Leiden- oh yes, I can pick and choose, reject boring options, avoid anything to do with Jurisprudence and philosophical matters, focusing on more substantive law.

It is absolutely great. And as much as I don't like making choices, it is somehow relieving that I have some control over what I'll do in Netherlands. At least I will only have myself to blame if anything goes wrong.

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