Tuesday 18 December 2018

Read, listen, watch.

Read: Peggy and me by Miranda Hart
I love Miranda Hart, she is so funny and I can really connect with her sense of humour. I also love dogs, so a book written by Miranda Hart about Miranda Hart and her dog Peggy is an absolute (dog?) treat. It was a random pick from the library shelf, the choice made easier by the photograph of the dog on the front cover. It's witty and it's honest about the reality of dog ownership. Which involves a lot of poop. And even more joy. I really can't want to get my own pup next year and reading Peggy and me just made me more convinced that my life would hugely benefit from becoming a dog-owner.

Listen: BBC Radio 4
It is the only radio where I have found decent intelligent discussions rather than those annoying presenters who joke around all day and ask you what you had for breakfast and if you had any funny encounters with dogs recently. Every morning as I drive to work, Radio 4 gives me an opportunity to find out what is going on. I enjoy Women's Hour, A Good Read and even the Archers, though I'm sometimes confused by all the events in this programme, I don't follow it regularly enough. The Archers are a brilliant piece of entertainment for a long drive on Sunday morning.

Watch: The First
As I was waiting for a new episode of my all time favourite, Big Bang Theory, I've started watching The First, a series about the attempts to reach Mars. It's not easy to hold my attention for a prolonged period of time, but this drama somehow manages and I don't even look at my phone while watching! Full presence throughout, broken only by an excessive number of 4 minute ad breaks on Channel 4. By the way, it's surprising how much you can do in 4 minutes! And I mean beyond going to the loo and making another cup of tea. Bills can be paid, laundry folded and put away, rooms hoovered. Possibilities are endless.

Write: My Master's thesis
I'm knee-deep in my literature review, it's not in a coherent state yet, but I'm getting there. Am I the only person who does not write extended pieces of writing in a logical order? I tend to jump around the different sections, adding a few paragraphs here and there. It might just be the result of my disorganised thinking process, but I just get bored writing about the same issue for more than a couple of hours. Need to switch things up to keep the flow.

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