Monday 1 January 2018

Content with what you have.

In the New Year, there will be no new me

It doesn't mean that there won't be any minor adjustments to become a better me. But the last thing I need in the New Year is more change.

I've realised that what I truly need is constancy. In 2017 I've experience an overabundance of change, travels, looking for new opportunities and re-ordering my life. Now, at the end of December, I've reached a point where I can actually say "This is where I want to be heading. This is what I need in life."

So in the coming New Year I wish you this:

That we all find our inner peace. Without the strife to change everything, to find something better/larger/more expensive. May we learn to be content with what we've got. Stop chasing some undefined thing that will supposedly lead us to happiness. Instead, may we find courage and time to spend time with people we love, do things we love and share with others what truly matters to us.

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