Saturday 12 August 2017

Finally reading for pleasure only !!!

For various complicated reasons I had to shut down my blog a few months ago, but here I come again, with slightly changed address, different background picture and a different colour scheme. Truly exciting times.

I've been out and about recently, collecting beautiful memories, taking ridiculous number of pictures and acquiring random items to remind me of all those places. When I was not out and about, I indulged myself in binge-watching Big Bang Theory, random art projects and solving logic puzzles. I'm also proud to announce that I'm about to finish reading Anna Karenina. I had my first go at reading this book when I was at first year at uni and since then I've made four attempts at it. This time, using my generous teacher holidays, I persevered till the end, despite extremely dull parts dwellings on agricultural theory of 19th century Russia. I still have War and Peace waiting on the window-sill, but I think it will need to wait until next summer (or summer after next): I'm not sure I'll be able to take such a big book again any time soon.

On the note of reading, I have to say that being busy all year with planning lessons, reading about education, marking and doing all the adulting stuff, I've forgot how enjoyable reading fiction (and not only), but most importantly reading exclusively for pleasure was. 

I've been devouring book after book recently. I've read The Shepherd's Crown by my beloved Terry Pratchett, Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, then moved on to two randomly chosen books which turned out surprisingly enjoyable (The Knot by Mark Watson and The Truth by Michael Palin) and now with Anna Karenina almost finished, I'm moving away from fiction to Cal Newport's Deep work.

Now, that last book is a choice that was born through listening to some really interesting podcasts. The series is called You 2.0 and it really got me thinking about how I work and what I can do to make my work easier, more enjoyable and at the same time more efficient. You can listen to the podcasts here, I really do recommend them. I will probably write on the topic of reinventing yourself for a fuller life soon.

I'm glad I'm back on here now, I need a vent somewhere to release all those unruly thoughts that inevitably cloud my head, especially now that I have both time and headspace to do a lot of deep thinking. So brace yourself for a jolly good ride with me!

Till then!

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