Sunday 16 October 2016

Tissue mountain.

A week until half term, and my body seems to have given up. Waking up at 5:30am, long hours at work and little time for myself has taken its toll on me.

The end of my first seven weeks in school is in sight, but I feel like I will crawl towards it rather than run joyfully into a brief freedom.

As the mountain of used tissues continues to build up in my bedroom, so does the mountain of work. I have my PGCE essay due in a couple of weeks, but it's hard to try to recover from the illness, mark homework, plan lessons, do some reading and sort out everything for school at the same time. Hopefully after half term life will become easier, if only because I will actually know what I'm doing. Though they did warn me that it will be tough.

I'm so drugged up with paracetamol and the like that I'm not sure to what extent I will be able to teach tomorrow, but hopefully by period 2 my brain will clear up a bit and turn into a teacher mode. At the moment it feels like a sponge or a mini whiteboard rubber.

On a side note, highlights from last week include using plickers with my lovely year 7s, TF conference day and carrot cake. Carrot cake is delicious. Conference was quite helpful, but I shall give an update on it once I have time (and ability) to put my thoughts in some coherent order.
Being attacked by a cold monster in my bed. Obviously.

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