Wednesday 2 September 2015

When humanity fails.

What's happening at the moment in Italy, Greece, Hungary and other European countries makes me feel deeply sad. One would have thought that in the 21st century people shouldn't die in trucks or drown trying to cross the Mediterranean. But they do and every day more and more people die en route to the EU. Only today have I seen this heartbreaking picture of a lifeless body of a three year old boy washed ashore.

It make me angry that politicians don't want to take any responsibility for what is happening. Some talks will be held in October, but this is too late, for month no one has dared to suggest a viable solution. In Poland people keep saying that we will be flooded with Muslims who will turn Europe into a Caliphate. As if they couldn't see a human being in those who risk their lives to seek a better life. Politicians are arguing that we cannot receive a mere 2600 refugees out of 350,000 that have reached Europe recently. Paranoia. Of course, I'm fully aware that some of the migrants are not refugees: they're not escaping persecution of any kind but are after better economic condition. But we shouldn't put everyone into the same box. I visited a refugee facility near Warsaw and it wasn't the happiest place I've seen. You wouldn't leave your home and your family for such a place if you had a choice.

The only positive thing that I've seen on tv was a girl in Budapest who comes to the train station every day to entertain children who are waiting there with their parents: she plays with them, gives them colouring books etc. And this is beautiful, one human being reaching out to another human being. Maybe there is still some hope in humanity?

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