Saturday 25 October 2014

What I've been up to recently.

Finally, after what felt like absolutely ages but in fact was only a few days of rain, the sun decided to come out!

I must say that all this rain made me feel rather down: it was cold, grey, windy, I would not really go anywhere without getting completely soaked and generally it  was not fun at all. So I'm glad today was a bit brighter. My energy levels are definitely up compared to the last few days.

I'm currently revising for my Entrepreneurship and Innovation exam on Monday. I do understand more about business now than even a few days ago, but still some concepts remain rather alien to me. But the only thing I can do now is to keep going and read as much as possible.

Oh, and rehearsals. So yesterday was really frustrating, because the attendance level has gone so down that we could hardly find a scene to do, people had to cover for other characters and generally it was a mess. It's only over a month until the performances, so I hope we manage to be a bit more organised from now on. On the brighter side, it was probably the very first time I genuinely enjoyed just being with these people. Not as if all other meetings were awful, but this time I was just extremely happy. Plus I managed to get to the music club jamming session and listen to some fun stuff. Good evening indeed.

Back to creating value and growing ventures now!

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