Tuesday 12 August 2014

Dutch experience so far

If I were to describe my Dutch experience so far in one word, it would be confusion.

My word, it's really complicated. Housing application is a nightmare that costs you 350 euro, and you have no idea what you get at the end. When you finally get somewhere to stay, a flow of hidden costs commences (contract fee, bedding fee, whatever fee).

And you think you are sorted, ready to sign your contract and collect your keys. But it would be too easy if it was just that. You need to make an appointment to sign the contract. Appointments are at random times during the day/week, scarcely convenient enough to allow you to arrive at some sensible hour of a day, not to miss classes and have somewhere to stay after your contract commences.

Because getting keys to your place is completely separated from the process of contract-signing. It's bizarre and inconvenient and makes no sense (and goes against all of my real estate experience, and I have quite some, believe me). But yes, you get your keys eventually. Though this is not the end of the story.

You need to register with the town hall. I'm yet to experience it, but I dread what it will be like. Not mentioning opening a bank account. Hey-ho!

Honestly, I have enough of this even though I haven't even left the country yet. Breath-in - breath-out... And again...

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I love reading your blog and good luck in Holland! I was wondering if I could get your e-mail address and pass it on to my friend who is interested in studying law at Oxford?
