Sunday 29 June 2014

A spoonful of adult life

I guess the last week has been the closest that I can get to adult life during my studies.

I was thrown into the jaws of the City and here am I, a week on, still kicking!

It's been such a good week. I've met some lovely people, started work that has made my studies more purposeful than ever before and has thoroughly enjoyed myself. I've made some reg report updates, translated bits of legislation and explanatory documents, started a massive project and tried to understand how virtual money work.

Gambling regulations turned out to be quite a gripping area of law. And very very complex. I like complex things. They make me think intensely. And even though it's been only a week, I feel like I've learnt so much - it's usually the case if you have to dig deep down and find out things for yourself: it simply stays with you afterwards.

There's been some things that I had to get used to. Like being in the office from 10 am until 5 pm. I think I'm a type of a person you would really benefit from flexible working hours. Though after 5 days it's slightly better, especially with tea or coffee at the desk. Another things is weekends. During term time I'm in a never ending loop of work. Now it's Monday-Friday, weekends free, maybe apart from revision and writing a juris essay, but this takes only a small proportion of the time. And Tube. I used to be terribly scared of it. Terribly. Now it's just fine. I figured out best times to travel, know the corridors and feel fairly confident about the network of Tube lines.

After a week I understand why people are attracted to this place. London has some sort of... I don't really know how to describe it. It's vibrant. And alive. Like a beating heart.

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