Tuesday 18 September 2018

25 things about me.

I turned 25 yesterday, so I thought it might be fun to do a little 25 things about me list to celebrate how old I am.

Here we go, 25 facts about me that you probably didn't not know. Make a game out of it, check how many of those were no surprise at all.
  1. I am absolutely terrified of spiders.
  2. I've only ever been outside of Europe once. I went to the US for a couple of weeks.
  3. I can speak a little bit of Dutch. It's rather rusty at the moment though.
  4. I spent a year in Leiden, Netherlands, as part of an Erasmus programme.
  5. I took part in a 2km open water swim through the canals in Copenhagen.
  6. I have a sweet tooth and I'm highly unlikely to say no to cake.
  7. I studied law at uni, but decided a legal career was not for me.
  8. On the uni note, I've almost dropped out of uni in my final year due to exam stress.
  9. I love the sea. 
  10. I try to live a low impact life as much as possible.
  11. Once upon a time, I sung in a gospel choir.
  12. I drink a lot of tea. LOADS.
  13. I hate beetroots so much. I don't even like seeing them.
  14. My favourite way to pray is to sing.
  15. I'm absolutely hopeless with plants, but I bought an epipremnum and it's still alive two months on!
  16. I used to hate driving, but now I love it, I would even say that I find driving quite relaxing.
  17. I consider England my home. There's no other place where I feel so comfortable and happy.
  18. I genuinely thought I was moving to the UK for two years only, to do my A-levels. But then, two years turned into four so that I finished uni here as well, and before I knew it, eight years came and went.
  19. Ever since we've covered this topic at A-levels, I have a bit of an obsession with all things viking.
  20. My favourite flowers are tulips.
  21. I'm getting a puppy next summer!
  22. I have two shows I could watch over and over again, Parks and Recreation and Big Bang Theory.
  23. I will laugh madly and generally be silly if I'm really stressed or anxious.
  24. I was supposed to be a boy. My parents hoped for a son; instead, they got me.
  25. I am a morning person: I prefer to wake up at 5am and go to bed by 9:30pm than to stay up late and have a lie in. 

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