Tuesday 5 June 2018

Books, books, books!

I've just had a week off for half term and I made most of it by reading LOADS. Even though I try to read every day, sometimes it's hard to dedicate as much time as I would like to reading. But over this half term I could just sit on my little sofa, sip delicious tea and enjoy whatever book I was reading at the time.

As a side note, I've started reading a few books at the time, which is not what I did in the past. I used to be quite particular about reading just one book at the time (and finishing all books I've started: stupid, stupid, stupid), but I've realised there is no need for that. Especially that sometimes I feel like reading a novel, sometimes a spiritual book, sometimes nonfiction, so it's good to have a few in store.

Anywya, here are a few books that I've read recently or I am reading at the moment and I would really recommend.

The Great Cat Massacre. A History of Britain in 100 Mistakes by Gareth Rubin

I've picked it up at my local library from the history section last week as a sort of random choice of a book with a fairly interesting title and it only took me a few days to read it. It was so much fun. The author goes back a thousand years  and writes about mistakes, misunderstanding and simple human stupidity that made the world that we know.

Bad Choices: How Algorithms Can Help You Think Smarter and Live Happier by Ali Almossawi

No picture for this one, but it was so interesting, especially that some of the algorithms discussed in the book were the same algorithms that I have taught earlier this year. The benefits of reading Bad Choices also include considerably shortening the time taken to do my shopping (improved my rather haphazard system of navigating the aisles). This is a short book for geeks and geeks to be.

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

I must say that this one is not for fainthearted. It's probably my second month reading the book and, despite lengthy descriptions of military matters, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Tolstoy describes the adventures and emotions of his characters so beautifully, that it is hard not to feel that they are real people, your friends even. I don't say such things often about a book. But with War and Peace having over 900 pages, you really do get to know the characters. I'm really fond of princess Mary and Andrew, these are probably my two favourite characters.

Queens of the Conquest. England's medieval Queens by Alison Weir

Staying within a historical theme, this is the book I've started reading most recently, again quite a substantial piece of literature (300 odd pages). I really enjoy reading about history and I don't know that much about the English history beyond the Elizabethan period, so this is really interesting. Importantly, it doesn't read like a textbook, rather almost as a novel, with rich details about the life in the medieval period.

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