Sunday 27 May 2018

Sunday Special: Full of grace.

For a long time, I had a problem with Marian devotion. This might be due to the specificity of the Polish religious life, especially in certain communities, where Mary is considered as the most important, almost like the fourth person in the Holy Trinity. I tried to be focused on Jesus and so Mary did not seem to fit into the picture. I really could not understand people praying the Rosary, going to shrines, consecrating their life to Mary. I simply did not get it for years and years.

And then suddenly it clicked.

There are a lot of dogmas in the Catholic Church regarding who Mary was, what she was liked and what happened in her life, but the one that really spoke to me and completely changed my attitude towards Mary was the immaculate conception dogma. In a nutshell, we believe that Mary was conceived without the blemish of original sin. I used to think that this made Mary's life so much easier than ours. She didn't have all this mess in her heart, regrets, going back and forth. But then I've realised that actually the opposite is true.

I try really hard to live a holy life, but I'm easily led astray by the smallest of things. Devil doesn't need any heavy weapons for me, the light stuff works. But with Mary it was different. Without the original sin, she did not feel the attraction of sin. Little things were not enough to tempt her. Devil really had to work hard (though without success). Mary must have experienced the full spectrum of his tempting abilities and it must have been so difficult, each temptation is difficult, but when you are hit with this incredible force of evil, you must really cling to God to resist it. And Mary did. She kept her eyes focused on God, regardless of everything.

Isn't that amazing? We have such a powerful intercessor to turn to and such a strong role model to look up to. And she always points out to Jesus. She always points towards the promise of God, the promise of mercy and protection. I call upon Mary every day, I ask her to undo the knots in my life and there wasn't a single time when she didn't help me with her intercession.

For me the life of Mary is an example of what wonders God can do in a life of a person who trusts Him fully. Mary's life was not easy, but it was beautiful and filled with the Holy Spirit. We don't have much of Mary's words recorded in the Gospels. But in her quiet trust, she has played such an important role in the salvation history. It was Mary who through her yes was the first one to welcome Jesus into the world. It was Mary who carried the faith in Christ over the darkness of the Good Friday. It was Mary who stayed praying with and for the disciples after the Ascension. Mary has been humble, trusting and always looking up to heaven. 

I will keep turning to her for support. Looking back at Mary's life gives me a chance to reflect on her particular path to holiness and see what I can learn from her. I want to learn how to live like her: a life of complete trust and dependence on God.

Mater habebit curam

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