Friday 27 January 2017

Keen gym bean.

It's become a little bit busier at the leisure centre. I blame it on New Year's resolutions. Everybody is keen to finally get back in shape and start a new healthier life. Although I'm all for being healthy and fit, I actually can't wait for mid-to-late February when all those keen beans become less keen and there will be more space in the pool and in the dance studio.

In any case, January is the worst possible time to start exercise routine. It's probably dark (and most likely foggy) when you leave in the morning, so forget about a happy 6am swim. It's too depressing not seeing any sunlight on your way to the gym. In the evening, it doesn't get much better. Dark again, already at 6pm when you finally make it home from work. And cold. You're cold on the way there, and on the way back you're far too hot, so you undo your coat and probably get ill: being awfully sweaty and cold winter wind do not go together well. Yes, getting out of the house in winter is a challenge in itself, not to mention the challenge of actually surviving this hour in a crazy fast-paced danceatomic class.

Image result for glowstick

Having said that, I do make myself get out of the house a few times a week. My fitness routine has admittedly been rather patchy recently, but I'm trying a three week swimming programme, so I suppose I'm one of the keen beans as well. Only I'm planning to carry on for the next 10 weeks. Fingers crossed. I've even purchased a pull buoy to motivate myself.

It's just getting out of the house in this cold that stops me from becoming a fit keen gym bean. The Even Smaller Island is really quite cold in January. I can't wait for March when it will finally get a bit warmer, without the fog pretty much each morning and with more sunshine. Just need to hold on to those glow sticks and to the pull buoy until then!

Sunday 22 January 2017

Trying to (b)eat the beet.

I love veggies, but one thing that I can't stand at all is beetroot.

It's simply the most revolting vegetable in the world.

And I did try my best to get to like the beets. I tried beetroot brownies, beetroot salad, beetroot this and beetroot that. All in vain. Beetroot still presents an insurmountable obstacle, in whatever form it appears on my plate.

The only beet related food that I can actually eat is beetroot soup that my mum makes. I will happily have it any time of the year. And that's  it. Beetroot in any other form cannot even physically get near to me. I mean it. The one time a piece of beetroot has made an unexpected appearance among my salad leaves, I went all pale and could not eat. Now I obsessively check the contents of salads, couscous mixes and vegetable crisps in case there is a beet hidden somewhere there. Beetroot vodka or beetroot pizza topping is definitely not for me...

Interestingly, people tend to have very black or white relationship with beetroots: you either love them or hate them. I had a friend who kept a stash in the kitchen: there were always beets there. It's beyond me why you would choose to eat a beetroot. Just to say, the search "how to make beets taste good" returns over 4 million results. Why would you eat a vegetable which needs to be so elaborately prepared to taste good? Why don't you eat a sweet potato instead? Or red pepper? Both fantastically tasty with barely any preparation.

I've given up on beets and instead I've made good friends with other vegetables. I recommend spinach and cashew pesto which is fantastic with wholemeal pasta. Spinach pesto is my go to dinner option, takes minutes to make. Simple and tasty.

It seems that I've been beaten by the beet this time. No need to worry, though, I've got enough veggies in my repertoire already. Beetroot can get lost (as long as it doesn't try doing it in my kitchen).

Sunday 15 January 2017

Waltzing around.

Sometimes you're in the dry land when it comes to ideas for blog posts. It happens quite a lot to me, particularly during term time when my life happens largely in the classroom. Looking from drafts does not help, some of those are far too old and irrelevant to even constitute a starting point. So when everything else fails, there is one person who never does: Mr Magic.

So when are you writing about Vienna? he asked one evening. And then another. And another.

He had a good point. It's been good two weeks since we've had our Viennese adventures and I haven't even made a peep about it here. And there is lots to talk about, because we had the most amazing time.


My visits to Vienna were so far restricted to West Bahnhof, so I was well excited about actually seeing the city properly. I must say, Vienna is beautiful. It reminds me of Krakow, though obviously Vienna is much bigger. The architecture is wonderful with a plenitude of quirky little places.

Our first breakfast took us to Cafe Havelka. Quite an interesting place. Dim light inside, no menu and a tall waiter in a bow tie. We had best scrambled eggs ever and a chance of observing the locals. 

The next stop was Schloss Schonbrunn. The queue for admittance was as long as the one for the Louvre, absolute masses of people with probably two or three hours of waiting time. Since rococo interiors were not of particular interest to either of us, we decided to skip this part of the programme, I managed to grab a nutella crepe (yolo) and we made our way to the top of the hill in the palace park, with an absolutely wonderful view.

I love travelling with Mr Magic, because there's never any pressure to get somewhere and tick the boxes next to all of the main attractions in the travel guide. We always have time to stroll around, to sit in nice places, to talk and to enjoy the moment. We even have time for my headaches and resulting afternoon naps. And a trip to a department store to get me a box of Skip-Bo which I was dreaming off for months now (though I don't have anyone to play with at the moment).

A visit to Vienna would not be complete without a visit to Prater. I must stay that the trip around the wheel was a bit of a disappointment. You can't actually see much from up there anyway, and at any rate, we got there late in the afternoon when the dusk was settling in, so there was only city lights visible. However, one of the rides there was an absolute highlight. Have you ever been on a roller coaster where you lie down? It's a really strange experience and I was absolutely petrified, but actually afterwards I regretted that we didn't have time to get on the ride again. It's so much more pleasant to be in a horizontal position, 360 turns do not make you so sick.

To make the evening even better, we went to Wiener Staatsoper to see ballet Raymonda. It was my idea which came out of an urge to avoid tourist traps in the shape of musicians dressed up in period dress and pretending to be Mozarts. I absolutely loved it: we had seats on the balcony, in the middle, just in a perfect position to see the stage clearly. I could also keep an eye on the tambourine guy in the orchestra. The violins were in tune! A major improvement on my last viewing of a ballet. I was so very pleased with the evening.

This is an exclusive picture featuring Mr Magic actually being awake at the opera. I gave up on him in Act 2.

To make the evening even better (can you imagine?), we've finally made it to the Schmarrn place I had my eye on since the day before. Schmarren are sort of pancakes, although I would rather compare it to a sweet breakfast omelette. Once the pancake has been cooked, it is cut into pieces and served in this way, traditionally with stewed plums. This morning I've attempted to make schmarren at home, the result was not a kitchen disaster (though I've almost managed to burn the thing), it had a distinctly eggy taste, so I need to revise the recipe somehow.

And now we get to the waltzing bit. And, gosh, we got to waltz. Maybe not properly, with a stable frame etc, but it was so much fun. On New Year's Eve the city turns into a party place and one of the stops was dedicated to proper dancing. There was waltz, cha-cha and rumba. The atmosphere was amazing: everything was really orderly, everybody behaved well, you couldn't see disgustingly drunk people around. Really nice, the sort of event I like (to the extent that I can stand mass parties). At midnight, there was more waltzing since the fireworks were accompanied by The Blue Danube Waltz by Johann Strauss II. I absolutely love it, it's so calming. Interestingly Strauss' waltzes were considered kitsch when they were written and only later did they start to become appreciated (so maybe there is hope for a large proportion of pop music of today). Anyway, starting the year with waltzing was amazing.

Being in Austria and not eating an apple strudel is like being in Rome and not seeing the Pope (which we've actually failed to do last spring😛). Finally on New Year's Eve we've made it to Cafe Landtmann, which turned out to be the best place for apple strudel (though the waiting time was at least half an hour) and a rather fancy location as well.


So, that was Vienna. I definitely want to go back. I've applied for tickets for the New Year's concert. 185538 applications they had so far for next year: the odds of getting the tickets are not great, but one can hope anyway. 

Recommendations for your trip to Vienna? Just go with the flow. Vienna is beautiful and simply by strolling around you can see many beautiful places. Take time to explore little cafes and eat delicious food. Embrace the city rather than tick the positions in the tourist guide. And if you get a chance, listen to some proper music.

Friday 6 January 2017

Looking forward.

Initially this post was supposed to be looking back at 2016, but then I thought: you know, I need to look into the future, looking back only makes you trip over on the way. The only option is to keep looking forward.

So... this year I'm looking forward to having a better work-life balance: with time for myself, enough sleep and socialising. I can't wait to see Mr Magic (though I'm not so thrilled by the prospect of my first long-haul flight). I'm looking forward to summer months at the seaside. And to all the delicious food that I'll cook this year. I'm looking forward to becoming a better teacher and seeing the results of my hard work. I'm looking forward to all the spa days and me times, especially playing the piano and having a long relaxing bath soak. 

I can't wait for all the adventures that are ahead of me: and there will be plenty. I know it will be a good year, another 365 chances to be happy. So many opportunities to bring something good to the world. And to love.

I'm looking forward to this year as much as I am looking forward to every day because it's a wonderful to be alive! The best gift one can hope for for the New Year.

New Year is also a great opportunity to try new rides. Any time is good for that, really. I just enjoy it. A ferries wheel is also a great metaphor for the cycle of life: if you need an extra layer of meaning for this picture.