Sunday 22 January 2017

Trying to (b)eat the beet.

I love veggies, but one thing that I can't stand at all is beetroot.

It's simply the most revolting vegetable in the world.

And I did try my best to get to like the beets. I tried beetroot brownies, beetroot salad, beetroot this and beetroot that. All in vain. Beetroot still presents an insurmountable obstacle, in whatever form it appears on my plate.

The only beet related food that I can actually eat is beetroot soup that my mum makes. I will happily have it any time of the year. And that's  it. Beetroot in any other form cannot even physically get near to me. I mean it. The one time a piece of beetroot has made an unexpected appearance among my salad leaves, I went all pale and could not eat. Now I obsessively check the contents of salads, couscous mixes and vegetable crisps in case there is a beet hidden somewhere there. Beetroot vodka or beetroot pizza topping is definitely not for me...

Interestingly, people tend to have very black or white relationship with beetroots: you either love them or hate them. I had a friend who kept a stash in the kitchen: there were always beets there. It's beyond me why you would choose to eat a beetroot. Just to say, the search "how to make beets taste good" returns over 4 million results. Why would you eat a vegetable which needs to be so elaborately prepared to taste good? Why don't you eat a sweet potato instead? Or red pepper? Both fantastically tasty with barely any preparation.

I've given up on beets and instead I've made good friends with other vegetables. I recommend spinach and cashew pesto which is fantastic with wholemeal pasta. Spinach pesto is my go to dinner option, takes minutes to make. Simple and tasty.

It seems that I've been beaten by the beet this time. No need to worry, though, I've got enough veggies in my repertoire already. Beetroot can get lost (as long as it doesn't try doing it in my kitchen).

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