Wednesday 20 November 2019

The truth about having a pup.

Riki has joined our life at the start of October and having him gives us so much joy. He has settled in quickly and is showing his wonderful personality. Riki is mad. He will run around like crazy in the evenings, bark at Mr Magic to hurry him up before walks and try to dig in sofas. When I first got him, I was a little worried about finding our new routine, but I think we've done well and I am absolutely in love with him.

But having a dog is no walk in the park (though loads of those happen on a daily basis). Puppies are hard work, it's pretty much like having a baby. They turn your life upside down.

I thought walks would be the biggest issue, but I'm actually enjoying those. It gets me out of the house and moving, though it's getting colder and gets darker much earlier, so we need to get properly wrapped up and carry a torch. What is tricky though, is arranging walking for days when I'm at school and Mr Magic is not around. Thankfully I've found a dog walker to keep Riki's company, but I always worry about him, not to mention the cost: it's not a lot for each walk (£7), but over the course of the year, it will add up. You also need to factor in insurance, food and grooming costs.

Apart from the financial burden of owning a dog, there is the emotional burden. You become responsible for this little ball of fur and it's a lot to take on. Riki has recently become ill and I was worried sick about him. I worry about his eating, whether he gets enough exercise, if he gets on with other dogs in daycare. That's a lot of worry for 3.5 kilograms of life.

Finally, I had to forsake the idea of a tidy home. Toilet accidents still happen, so I'm constantly wiping the floor, toys are everywhere and we find dental sticks in odd places. Having a dog is a fairly messy affair.

Nonetheless, I am so glad I have him. Wouldn't have it any other way.

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